Friday, April 29


khas utk suami kesayangan kekasih hati bakal daddy yg sungguh disayangi.

selamat hari lahir! may your days be full with happiness. moga dipanjangkan umur and given the best state of health. prosper not only in $ tp iman jugak. hoho.
ok i won't crap any further dah.

oh2 you'll be the best dad ever! (:

love xoxo,
mama n bby.

Wednesday, April 27

pls stop this nonsense thought!

disappointed. being pregnant is not easy. wish everyone could understand that. or maybe they just refuse to understand. sigh. expectation kills after all.

thank God for my mother-in-law who cares so much about me and of course the baby too. let's pray everything will be okay and let this journey be a memorable one. happy mother's day in advance for all the mothers out there!! (:

Tuesday, April 26

oh baby, baby oh!~

i wish i can share this happiness to the whole world. well, i am sharing it here kan? (: i feel so happy that my hand can dance along the tapping sound of the keyboard and thus the continuous typo that i have to backspace and retype again n again. but hye yo! i'm so happy right now!!

Wednesday, April 20


i feel sudden relieve now i could inhaleeee then exhaleeeeeee and repeat it again n again.

p/s: 9 days before his birthday. (:

Monday, April 11

who do you think you are?

not im not mad at all. it's a verse in a song titled jar of hearts. so whenever someone's making fun of you, ask them who do you think you are?

the heart belongs to you. only you. take good care of it. never ever let shitty things spoilt your mood. do anything and everything which can enlighten the heart. give it some therapy by reading God's word. because we human does not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.

i feel better now. because You are here with me. in me. and i couldn't ask for more. (:

good night peeps! til then take care.

upin ipin!

my lil' bro adores upin & ipin so much. and he has quite a big cds collection of upin & ipin. he could play them again and again and never feel bored laughing at the same joke. betul betul betul! ^_^

i miss being the younger me. really really do.

Sunday, April 10

mighty mom.

this entry is especially made for my mom.

no word can best describe you. you are altogther beautiful, funny, cheerful, exuberant, responsible, loving, strong, fair, aggressive, sweet and sour at the same times, annoying sometimes, just, cool, grumpy and clumsy.. and the list goes on.

ibu lah paling mulia! because of that, i love u.

Wednesday, April 6


suddenly the heart is concealed with sorrow. the tears just can't stop falling. sigh. too much pressure i guess. i need books. and of course prayers. off for asar. bye!

Tuesday, April 5


this is a random post.

have you guys ever imagine a place which is so dirty where nobody would ever want to live in it? with lots of cockroaches, rats, flies, snakes and it stinks that you could hardly breathe? now have you guys ever imagine how does hell look like? with the high temperature which can burn through your skin into your bone and you can't pray for the death angel to took away your life because you are ALREADY dead! and you have to suffer every bits and pieces of the torture. scary right?

now tell me how can we avoid being placed in hell? is being good and kind to other people can save us from living in that torturous place? is it by performing 5 times prayer per day or attending weekly mass can guarantee us that we will be so far away from that ugly place? tepuk dada tanya selera. duduk tepi longkang and give it a thought.


i love watching grey's anatomy. although i have no knowledge at all in anatomy. but i love the story line. and there was this 1 particular episode from season 6 where a premature baby was born and almost lost her life. the doctor pulled out the life support system as they thought the baby will never make it. but surprisingly she did. alex took her and embraced her by putting her close to his heart. the baby's heart beat gradually picked up and finally she could breathe normally. see how a baby is link to another person to survive? a baby inside the womb enjoys the sound of the empty stomach of her mom. she has her mom's heart beat as lullaby. her mom heart beat would tell her everything will be fine and she has nothing to be worried about. they are fragile creature who recover fast and survive worst. sometimes medicine could not heal every illness. but human touch does. and at times it's not because of someone's character which make him strong but his faith does and the word of God strengthen him.

so whenever you feel weak and helpless, remember there is someone who will never abandon you.
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.
have a lil' faith and never ever lose hope!

Monday, April 4

sleepless night.

bad dreams, bad dreams go away,
good dreams, good dreams here to stay.

bad dreams, bad dreams go away,
good dreams, good dreams here to stay.

bad dreams, bad dreams go away,
good dreams, good dreams here to stay.