Monday, January 7


the feelings of expecting 2nd baby is so different than the 1st one. it is not less happy, it is somehow less expecting. get what I mean? I still remember when I was expecting for Sophie, I've prepared my bags 3 months ahead, bought some clothes 2 months before, prepared for everything before my pregnancy hit week  30th week. What I did after that was exercising, walking around the field for 1 hour or more everyday because I felt no significant pain to indicate I'll be giving labour soon. When I reached 40th week of pregnancy, there was still no significant pain. I went to the doctor and asked why was the baby not out yet because my bags were now full of dust and I didn't experience any sign of labour. The doctor asked me to wait for another week. Perhaps this waiting that made the 1st pregnancy more exciting. After 6 days, I went with cheerful face and end up being induced, because it's full term and I just want the baby to come out. To cut the story short, I ended up having caesarian because I can't stand the pain. T_T The pain was too much to bear and I can't think straight anymore. I took painkiller twice; one in the afternoon another one in the evening (not sure what type of medicine) and when my opening was 7cm (around 10pm) I begged for another painkiller but they can't give it to me because I've took the max dose. They should have told me to keep the last painkiller for this moment. sighhhh. ohh back to the preparation for this 2nd baby. As of now I'm in week 35, another 5 weeks to go. Maybe 2-3 weeks because the baby is down there already. Hopefully can go for normal. The mental must be strong. I must believe that I can do it. And hopefully the scar of previous operation x tear. HUHHUHUHHU. I'm scared but I'm ready to fight this battle. May God lead us to the right path. amin amin amin.

For this 2nd baby I tried to prepare more on mental, to read more books and blogs on the net. To equip myself with more knowledge on breastfeeding because breast milk is the best milk for the baby. I regretted for not fully breast feed Sophie. I'm so sorry sayang. but that does not make me love you less, you know that kan. sooooooooooooooooooo, I think that's all I wanted to share on expecting this 2nd baby. semoga dipermudahkan.