Tuesday, October 22


I have a two-year old daughter named Nur Sophie Hanaa whom we called Sophie or Sopi (with high pitch at the end when she refused to listen to us).

shaklee miri
She's independent and tough. Cry just to attract attention but she can do everything on her own, especially in entertaining herself. I'm so proud of you, Sophie. You are the reason why I'm still here, fighting.

Bacaan Doa Berlindung Dari Musibah Berat
“Allaahumma innii a’uuzubika min jahdil balaa’i wa darakisy syaqaa’i wa suu ‘il qadaa’i wa syamaatatil a’da ‘i”
“Ya Allah, aku berlindung kepada-Mu dari musibah yang berat, celaka yang menimpa, keputusan (qada) yang buruk, dan kejahatan para musuh. (H.R. Bukhari)”