Monday, June 13

the chief of heroes.

on this special day, this special post is dedicated to my adorable daddy.

during my Sunday School year, we were taught how to make cards for our dad for father's day. i remembered there was once when our Sunday School teacher taught us the meaning of adorable so that we can write it in our cards. She told my dad is adorable. so i should write "to my adorable daddy, happy father's day". however at that age my adjectives were limited between ugly and pretty. never had i came across with the word adorable. then the teacher explained to me "well your dad is not handsome, but he's not ugly either, so he's adorable! " so that's how i learnt the meaning of adorable. (:

but today is not father's day. it's my dad's birthday. i couldn't thank him more for giving me everything that i had achieved today. his contribution is sky-high and can never be repaid. and today, he gave me this special verse which i will never ever forget.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

i couldn't continue writing, the tears just can't stop flowing. i will always be your lil girl, dad. and i love u. u know i do.
muzium sarawak, kuching

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