Thursday, September 22


because He has the power upon everything, who are we to go against Him? and life is never easy but His promise to always be with us shall be kept for eternity.

i never thought or imagine myself of being pregnant. because when i 'plan' my future, being pregnant never come across my mind. it has always been getting married and have kids without the 'pregnancy' stage. and as i slowly sailing through this insignicant stage of life, i came to realize how signigicant is this stage of being pregnant. having a baby in your tummy makes you feel like a powerful goddess, an emo who would cry almost because of everything, a weirdo who would suddenly sings lullaby and laugh or smile with no reason at all. sounds like a wonderful experience kan? but as your expected due date crawl right beside your arm, you cant help yourself thinking and worrying about the baby which will born out of you. will he be able to breathe on his own? will he be healthy enough to cry out his 1st cry ever? yeah i do worry much. that's the reason im blogging at this hour. an expectant mom should get enough rest and her sleep. but i just fail to convince myself that everything will be okay and its okay to go to sleep. oh i wish u were here because your breath calms me.

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