Tuesday, January 4


i miss the feeling of excitement to go to class last time during my uni life. when the alarm rang, i would just opened my eyes and got up w/o any hesitation. oh maybe i did found it difficult to wake up for 8 a.m. class. but still i was excited to go to class to meet my friends and beloved lecturer. i just love seeing people and talk crap with them.

but now things have changed. i really need the motivation and strength (hoho !) to wake up every morning and get ready to go to work everyday. every fucking day ! i find it effing difficult to persuade myself to get myself off the bed. so i've been searching the catalysts which can improve the my eagerness to get my butt off the bed and go to work. nah by rising my pay won't make me more enthusiast with my work. because the more you are paid the bigger is the responsibility. d more responsibility, d more time u spend thinking/doing about your work. how demotivating is that ?

so i came out with a list of motivation-kickers:

1) new clothes ! whenever u have new clothes u sure are excited to wear them and show off to your colleagues, no ?

2) handsome colleagues ! i seriously in need of this. being stuck here in bintulu office with only a few colleagues makes me desperate to meet the outsiders. seriously desperate T_T

3) fun working place. have u ever imagine to have a work place like "Zooglers" do? i would be fun to have all those fun-facilities aite ? oh hell no my present company will never ever provide those.

4) next-door office ! need to drive to work every day is time-consuming and stress-contributing factors. so if the office is next door then i'll be more motivated to go to work. :p

these are all i can think off right now. oh no food will never can lure me to go to work. aite i need to get back to work now. happy working guys ! (:

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