Wednesday, May 8

Confinement (part 2)

Remember when i talked about confinement? I believe every people or every race i would say will have different style of confinement. Chinese will have their hair not wash for a month, the Iban will have to sit beside fire all day, the Malay will need to bath everyday and so on. So what can we conclude from here? YES! Different people will have different style of confinement!

What I'm about to write here today is my dissatisfaction towards those who condemn others just because they have different style of confinement. Latest remark I got from my colleague was how ignorant I am in berpantang makan. Yes, I breastfeed. But breastfeeding doesn't mean you can't eat what you want to eat. Yes, I underwent cesarean operation. But my doctor didn't tell me that I should not have any seafood. Why did old folks warn us certain food was simply because different people might have different reaction toward certain food (read allergic). I'm not allergic to seafood so why must I stop myself eating them? Funny right?

Ahhh yes, I do not have the gut to yell at them upfront. Simply because yelling at them will show how immature I am. It was no use talking to them after all because every people confine in different way. Oh they do not even have kids yet!

I'm super mad!

Today, I am super duper mad. I feel like throwing tantrum everywhere to everyone. But I can't.  I just can't. I am a mother,  and a mother should know how to control her temper. A mother should be seen as a perfect person who would raise perfect kids to be a perfect person, no?

So what am I mad at? I'm mad at people. Those selfish people.Orang selalu ingat kerja laut seronok. Duit masyuk, rumah besar, kereta mewah, makan sedap, shopping sakan, dompet berisi. Mereka lupa pelaut turun ke laut dengan meletak nyawa mereka di hujung tanduk. What if something happen on the platform/ship? They have no where to run except down to the sea, kan? Dalam laut ada ikan besar, jerung, obor-obor, mungkin spongebob yang tak seberapa friendly kepada manusia. Tak payah cakaplah pasal letupan, minyak terpancut, kebakaran, gas bertoksik, heli rosak, serangan lanun, diculik lanun dsbnya. Understand the risk? Kelakar kan kalau orang cakap orang kerja offshore kaya banyak duit, boleh beli apa saja.

Thus, the madness.