Saturday, March 19

second choice.

i usually write my post before i put a title for it. since i like to blog randomly with no knowledge to grab out of them. i just love blogging craps. and that is one of my tag - crap.
but this post is different. i named it first before i start pouring my thoughts in this column. so what's up with second choice?

have u ever feel like u r the second choice in someone's life? what if one day u realise that u r actually the second sperm on the list to be given the opportunity to penetrate the egg's wall? although it might sounds illogical but have u ever give it a thought? just what if you are not meant to be in this world? will u rejoice of your existence or grief about it? people often say be grateful for the life you were given because you only have one life to live on. but what if you never experience the joy that your heart long for and suffer with continuous disappointment? now there are a lot of 'what if'.

i wish i can stop my mind from thinking too much with those random thoughts. it's saddening sometimes when u start to let your mind wander off too far and it influences your heart. it aches deeply because the mind connects in miraculous way with the heart. i wish i have a stronger heart which can withstands the bad weather and the harsh environment. those corrosion agents which slowly eat my heart away.

ok now do you see why i always wrote my post before i put it a title? because in the end my post does not imply with its title so i have to tag this post as random and crap!

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