Thursday, January 5


I admit that I'm a person who can easily feel insecure. anything that reminds me of the past can make me feel insecure. so much of insecurities that eventually jeopardize my relationship with my loved ones.

how not to feel insecure? simple, by reminding myself that we live not for the world but for God alone. everything will come to an end eventually and God has promised us heaven when everything ends. but is my faith enough to secure a place there in heaven? thinking about that make me feel insecure, again. sigh.. why so much of insecurities? so how not to feel insecure?

I miss driving at high speed. gugu. (x berkaitan langsung!)

1 comment:

precious_by_me said...

aku pun asa insecure about that..but like u said, we live not for the world but for God...
for me, dekatkan diri dgn Allah, slalu ingt pda-Nya, sntiasa b'zikir.. end up, hati akan rasa lebih tenang, trust me..
even, 1 man pernah kenak interview y the thief yg msuk nya pun kedei, xdpat kluar dr kedei after m'curi..he just said he practice bismillahirrahmanirrahim 1000x per week..from that we can see that Allah is protecting him because he always remember Him as our protector...