Monday, January 9

wiggle wiggle wiggle.

I almost gave up. googling for nurseryain't easy at all. till i found this one blog which save my life. wheehu!

We are going to pay a visit to the taska later. hopefully can secure a place for sophie. sending her to my mom's house at bakam is very tiring. we (sophie and I) spent 3 hours everyday on the car so I know how tiring it must be for sophie to wake up early every weekdays. I hope by sending her to this nursery, she can enjoy her sleep more in the morning and  not becoming so cranky at night.

this is the picture of the three of us! the best I have so far. hope to shoot more wonderful family picture after this. 

1 comment:

precious_by_me said...

the best u have?!! amik la bnyak fmily pic gik..muka anak kau sparuh jak lam pic tok..huhuhu muka ko dimaapkan la, coz aku da puas tangga dolok hehehhehe