Thursday, January 5

seriously sleepy.

waking up early every weekdays is a challenge for me. now that the school has started I need to wake up even more early to avoid the frustrating jam.

Chinese new year is coming soon. can't wait to have a long sleep during the weekdays. thank God this year it falls on Monday and Tuesday! then we anak beranak can cuddle in bed together and enjoy our long weekend.

oh! Sophie has started to roll over! today i woke up to find her leg at the edge of the bed. I quickly put her back on her bed and place her booster beside her before feeding her. Watching her grinning in her sleep is so much delightful. I hope she enjoys growing up because I'm enjoying every moment of it. and it seems like yesterday that I saw her being lifted out from my tummy. how time flies kan?! hope it's not too late to wish you all a happy new year. I hope this year we can grow more mature physically, mentally and spiritually.

till we meet again in next entry okay! take care!

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