Wednesday, February 20


To own a house of my own is always my dream. No need big big house, small yet comfortable house is more than enough for me. When you have your own house, then you can drill holes anywhere you like, paint them in your fav colours, and most importantly, no hesitation when it comes in writing down your mailing address. Why is this important for me? Simply because, you don't have to bother to change your mailing address every time you move from one rented house to another rented house. You won't want your credit card statement to be at the wrong hand, do you?

So, because of this, we bought a house! Wheee to us! But it is still under construction. According to the agreement, it shall be completed by 2015, insya-Allah! Can't wait to move to our own new house!

I'll talk more on the process of purchasing a house in future entry okay!

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