Thursday, June 5


Setiap kali balik kampung suami aku, aku tak erti untuk borak-borak. Entah. I find that there's nothing I could share. Or maybe I just find that there's nothing so important that I need to share or I have to share. I prefer to listen and listen and sometimes slowly ignore.

Manusia punya cara pemikiran yang cukup berbeza. Pelbagai perspektif yang kadang-kadang bercanggah, pendapat yang kadang-kadang sukar dikomprehen, ulasan yang kadang-kadang menjunam ke laut, simply because we grow up in different environment with different teaching and understanding.

I grew up in an environment where woman should do every housework, and man who helps with housework itulah dambaan wanita. Anak-anak adalah tanggungjawab ibu and every request for anything, money, toy, keluar jalan-jalan must be made through the mother, and the mother will let the father knows and seek for approval. So when I told my mom that I was sick, her first question was "Can you take care of the kids?" So I say "Husband is here, so yes, he could take care of the kids." My mother sounded hesitant. The only time I remembered my dad was in the kitchen cooking was when my mother was in the hospital.

Aku harus bilang aku ini isteri yang garang tapi cepat mengalah. Bebelan aku cukup banyak depan suami tapi di hadapan orang ramai aku cuma seorang ibu yang sibuk mengejar anak-anak ke depan, ke dapur, ke tandas etc. Tapi syukur suami aku boleh disuruh. Setiap kali berpantang dia sudi tolong scrubkan dinding toilet. So sudah beranak dua ini, sudah dua kali dia tolong bersihkan toilet. Bravo, husband!

Marriage does not lay on straight horizon. There are ups and downs with kids running around the curve, for every twist and turn, you know deeply the love grow stronger, the foundation grows firmer, and the bond is unbreakable.

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